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Tumbling into the after life

Writer: Rahul NairRahul Nair

A bunch of our ancestors doing back-flips and cart wheels in space for eternity. Add some kind of meme music like Shooting Stars and it becomes one of the most hilarious things you could imagine.

Weirdly enough, a major part of human society believes that our ancestors live in space. Some of us look at the stars and some of us just point upwards when asked about heaven. If indeed we become stars or other celestial bodies, my dream of acrobatic grandparents becomes true.

Imagine Matthew McConaughey flying into a black hole in the movie Interstellar and at the brink of death, instead of finding the moments he spent with Murph (his daughter), he finds millions of people having a pawri that is literally out of this world. Death doesn't seem so bleak right now, does it?

Fear of death or Thanatophobia is very natural for us humans. There's not a person who's not afraid of that one BIG moment that takes you away from this reality, but does it actually take us away? Guess we'll only know at that moment, whenever it is. Till then, let the after- life be whatever we imagine it to be. Sunburn Festival in Goa sounds pretty good.

Thanatophobia reminds me of a certain purple eternal who was obsessed with balance and some colored stones. I wonder what Thanos' thoughts about the after-life are. The 5 trillion lives that he wiped out must've had a nice time tumbling in the after-life. Half of the universe dead and all Thanos wanted to do was farm. Seeing as he couldn't die, he would've farmed for eternity, his version of the perfect After-Life. If you really think about it, all Thanos needed was an acre of land, a visit to the jeweler and a sustainable development and conservation plan. Where were the trillions that got wiped out sent? A pocket dimension where 5 years were warped into 1 second. Woosh, Alternate Reality moment.

Keep the emphasis on dancing though. Dancing death sounds like a cool name for an amusement park ride or a rock band. A metal band busting out hip hop moves on a roller coaster would be a sight to behold. I'd pay money to see that. Speaking of dancing death, a google search reveals a specific year that was known for its Dancing Plague. Picture this, The year is 1518, It is a fun day to read Lady Whistledown's new article about matrimonial gossip and promenade the grounds near the castle and the town center. Suddenly, you see a woman dancing uncontrollably and it begins. You found her vibe infectious and start to dance as well. The chain continues and 400 people join you. This lasted for 3 months. 3 months of immaculate vibes. 100 days and nights without sleep. Justin Timberlake's Can't stop the feeling comes to mind. Apparently, a few people tangoed to their deaths. Did they join Thanos in his farm? We will never know.


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